Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Information Report On Termites

Hi 4 Lv,

You are to work in your group of 4. Please do the following:

  • This is the scenario :

Many local homes in the vicinity have been intruded by termites and homeowners need to know more about them in order to take the necessary precautions.

  • You are to play the role of reporters who have been tasked to write a short information report on termites to inform the community of the problem.
  • Download the file from the PBWiki. I have created a page in the PBWiki for your group to work together and type the information report on Termites. Use the points you have typed in the file to help you to complete the information report.
  • I have assigned you to work in pairs .The pair that writes on "Appearance " and "Termite family" will complete your portion for the group. Please do the same for the other pair working on , "Habitat of Termites" and "Food Of Termites".
  • Please help to edit your group's work.
  • Refer to Pg 14-15 of your PALS textbooks for the format of imformation report.
  • Every one has to help one another.

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